Friday, 16 December 2022

5 Reasons Why People Still Prefer Listening to Vinyl Records

There are several reasons why people still listen to vinyl. Here are just 5 of them:

1. Superior sound: Vinyl gives an analogue sound that is unmatched. The music and vocals are much closer to the way the artist sounds live due to a lossless format that hasn’t been over-compressed.

2. Record culture: Vinyl is a culture. When you buy and listen to vinyl you become part of that culture. And, unlike much of the digital world in which we live today, this is a culture that includes real, tangible connections.

3. The vinyl experience: Forget swiping or tapping a screen. Vinyl delivers a genuine experience. Leafing through your record collection, removing the chosen record from its sleeve, carefully placing it on the turntable, and finally, placing the needle on the groove. Then comes that delightful crackle. With vinyl, listening to music is an activity, not a background to the main event.

4. Longevity: With a little TLC, records last a long time. Records from decades ago sound just as good today as they did when they were released provided they are kept in good-quality record sleeves and treated with the respect they deserve.

5. Resell value: Records are an investment. You can enjoy them now, but if you decide to sell them in the future, they will hold their value. In some cases, the value may even rise. Compare that with the bargain bin of great albums on CD or music simply held somewhere in cyberspace and streamed to your phone.

After a brief interlude where CDs had a moment in the spotlight, vinyl records are very much here to stay. At Sleeves-n-More, we cater to the vinyl enthusiast, with a selection of products to help you care for your record collection, including:

·         Outer vinyl record sleeves

·         Poly inner record sleeves

·         HDPE record sleeves

For our full range, head to our website or give us a call.